Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Response to "DREAM ACT"- wiki article posted below

I think that the DREAM act is way too expensive for our current economy. It sounds like an awesome idea, and it is an awesome idea, but we can't be giving away valuble money that WE DON'T HAVE. It is at this exact time that we need to stop spending money that us, as a nation we do not have.

It is now, more than ever before that we need to be more self sufficient citizens, and stop expecting the government to just give give give.

The well has oficially run dry.

The DREAM Act & Education reform

Illegal immigrant minors can only obtain permanent residency status through their parents. Aside from special provisions for unaccompanied minors[6] there is no independent method for them to accomplish this. Normally, a child brought into the country without an immigration visa would have to first leave the U.S. to apply for a visa, although returning to his or her country of birth would not guarantee a path to a visa. Attempts to return legally are often difficult, with road-blocks such as three-year to ten-year bans on reentering the U.S.[7]
Members of Congress have introduced several forms of this bill in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. Members in the House passed one such bill on December 8, 2010 by a vote of 216-198;[8] Senators debated a version of the DREAM Act on September 21, 2010. A previous version of the bill, S.2205, which required 60 votes to gain cloture, failed on a 52-44 vote in 2007, 8 votes short of overcoming a filibuster by senators opposed to the bill.[9]
The United States military faced challenges in enlistment, which in 2005 were described as a "crisis",[10] though the economic downturn of 2007-2010 did away with many of the enlistment challenges. Immigrants who do not have a "green card" are not allowed to enlist. In 2007, several senior officials at the Department of Defense have spoken in favor of promising legal status to members of the military as a means of boosting recruitment.[11]

Together Everyone Accomplishes More

Washington Post response to fallen 3/5 Marines

"Home of the free, because of the brave"


I am a firm believer that work ethic starts in the home.
When I was little, even in first grade, my parents reviewed my
homework, and made sure that everything that needed
to be done was done. I couldn't go play until my room was
cleaned, and most definately not until my homework was done.

Those are values I have carried with me throughout
my school years, and as I come upon gradutation
it really makes me thankful that my parents
inflicted their values on me at such a young age.

More families need to really pay attention to  those kinds of things!

Carpe Diem

Today I left government class extremely inspired.
I really felt through the lecture, that life is what you make it, if I need to
have a better day, then it's up to me to make it that.
Make it a good day!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


The Connection to My World Cloud- SOTU Project

1. Contradictions- During the SOTU, I felt like the President contradicted himself. There are things that neeed to be done and we don't have the means as a nation to do those things.

2. Confusing- Half the time he was speaking, I grew confused because what he said just didn't make any sense to me.

3. How?- How is he going to go back and fix the things he is breaking?

4. Why? Why is he going to constantly try and change things that don't need changing.

5. Stupidity- In my mind, the president is crazy. He's stupid, and he talks out of the speeches that other people prepare for him.

6. Annoying- I grew annoyed when he began talking about Health Care Reform because I don't want it to happen.

7. Tie- Is there a reason the president only wears a red tie or a blue tie?

8. Conservative- What is Obama going to do for the conservatives like me?

9. Becoming- I  couldn't help but wonder what will become of this nation under this administration.

10. Everlasting- Some of the things he talked about are going to affect people's lives through the presitence he sets.

11. Trouble- Our nation is in deep trouble, and in more than some realize.

12. Worsening- We weren't in a good place already, but now were going downhill fast, and something needs to be done.

13. Deficit- The defecit will atleast double throughout this term.
14. Afghanistan- What is Obama going to do about Afghanistan, when or will he even bring our troops home soon?
15. Support- We are going to need the support of the Chinese monetarily for longer than we know.

16.  Misunderstanding- I wonder if it was me, or if everyone misunderstands the way Obama plans to lead that "Change" he speaks about.

17. Twangy- He speaks with such a twang during his speech, its almost phony.
18. Understanding- He doesn't do a good enough job to show us people why he wants to go through these plans.


20. Healthcare- His plans for a reformation are going to fail, because people don't want it.
21. Uniting- He is dividing the nation through his beliefs.

22. Republican- He isn't doing anything for the Republican party. The president is someone who is supposed to unite us, and please all people.
23. Libriterian- He is such a liberal, it's written all over his face.

24. Universal- He has so many universal ideas and they are not going to work.

25. Socialist- His socialist ideas are going to kill the Constitutional ideas that we have lived by for ages.

26. Communism- He is startting to sound like a communist, and I want to turn off the TV.
27. FREEDOM- Our natural freedoms are being impaired, gun control.
28. Military- He is increasing military salaries. I guess I am getting a "tax return".

29. Costs- Everything he is talking about doing and creating involves spending money, that we don't have.
30. Spending- We are going to double the defecit with all the things he is talking about doing.

31. Debt- We need to get out of this debt first.

32. Raising- There needs to be another way of raising money, without raising taxes.

33. Impatience-  By the second half of the speech I started to think "Stop planning, and start D O I N G.

34. Irritation- It is irritating to listen to half the things he was saying.

35. Imprisonment- I feel like I don't have a choice in what he wants to do, I am only one vote.

36. Rediculous- What the heck does salmon have to do with anything? This is no time for jokes.

37. Broke- We are so broke. Everything costs money, that we don't have.
38. Help- Who are we going to turn to to help us out? What nations are willing to invest in our economy?

39. Impeachment- How can I impeach Obama?

40. Who- Who in the Obama administration is trustworthy enough to stick up for the people that don't have a voice?

41.Success- We need a successful president before we can be a successful nation.

42. Spending- We can not afford to spend anymore money, we are in need of some major fundraising.

43. Progressivism- We need to make progress, but not with new ideas. Use the unalienable rights that are written in the constitution.

44. Trying - I can tell he is really trying to be progressive, but the ways in which he wants to do things, are near impossible.

45. Doing- Stop saying what needs to be done president, and start finding ways to do them.

46. Voices- I feel like he is speaking on behalf of the people who voted for him. But he isn't doing something for everyone, which is what he is supposed to be doing.

47. Silencing- He needs to be silenced, and kicked out of the oval office.

48. New- We need a new administration, in order to progress, and get out of this deficit.

49. 2nd Ammendment- One thing I wish he addressed, was how he is going to do something to protect the
2nd ammendment.

50. Need- We need something new. We are in a bit of a pickle, and something needs to be done. We need action now, before it gets too far.

*Link to my image..which turned out really nice! (:

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

3/5 Darkhorse "Get Some" cont'd.

I chose to discuss this article because its based on a topic that really hits home for me, and a lot of people that are closest to me. It talks about how the Marines of 3/5 are persevering in their fight on terror in northern Afghanistan. I have found that many people that I see everyday are so clueless as to the events that are taking place overseas, and neglect to recognize the ultimate sacrifice that so many of our soldiers have given. It was nice to read this article and be able to see the appreciation that citizens in Afghanistan have for the job that the troops are getting accomplished. It was refreshing and I want to be able to spread the word on to the class as well.