Monday, January 31, 2011

Response To Health Care Discussion

As we discussed the issue of Health Care reform in our Government class, I realized that the senior class isn't as clueless as I thought. I view the issue through the eyes of  Conservative Republican, and also through the mind of a health care worker myself. I found it interesting when we talked about the reform being "Job Killing". That was an idea that I haven't heard before, and it brought into the light what effect it would have on our economy and employment deficit. I was pleased to see that the students in class recognized the bad that the bill had to offer. Many of my peers i've noticed, tend to opinionize without recognizing all the facts, and how it can effect themselves on a personal level, however that wasn' the case in our discussion. I was glad that the class was able to obtain a strong divide, because it showed that what we were talking about wasn't going to go "in one ear and out the other". I was also pleased that the class took into consideration what I said about how it would be negative. Throughout the discussion, whether I had to listen to what I feel like is nonsense or not, It was an eduating discussion that I was able to learn from, as well as be able to share my opinion.

1 comment:

  1. I realize that you are in the minority when it comes to political ideology. I am glad that you have the confidence to speak your mind. Keep up the good work.
