Monday, May 16, 2011

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Broke, but still giving ?

Barack Obama our infamous president, has sent twenty-five million dollars to aid Libyan rebels. How are we in debt to china hundreds of billions of dollars, and still we are aiding other countries. Now I am no entrepreneur, or economist, but I am not stupid. When you have nothing and continue to give, we are continuing to dig ourselves a deeper hole. 
The president issued the loan Tuesday to Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. Obama has also informed Congress of his decision last week.
Again call me conservative, but how is he going to inform congress? Shouldn't monetary issues or advances be something that is discussable with congress?
The money may not be used to offer Libyan rebels broader assistance, including cash, weapons or ammunition. Included in the assistance are medical supplies, uniforms, boots, tents, personal protective gear, radios and Halal meals, which are meals prepared according to Islamic tradition.
Helloooooooo OBAMA! Our own United States Marines are not issued enough uniforms and supplies who are fighing for the US in Afghanistan. Now, be aware that this is the kind of man we hired to ruin the country, I mean run.


With the growing speculation of President's birthplace, he and his cabinet have decided to release a copy of his birth certificate. He is doing this to prove his right to citizenship. It was a decisive new turn in the accusations against the President. I think its crazy how much speculation has been given to the President's birthplace. Call me crazy, but i'm pretty sure that this was all taken care of prior to his election. Anyhow, here is a copy of his birth certificate. See for yourself!

This handout image provided by the White House ...

reflection to discussion

         This class discussion was one of the most frustrating since the start of the semester. I felt like everybody was being so opinionated that they weren't paying attention to the facts of the matter. The point that I was trying to make more than any other Why are people expecting illegal immigrants to be granted the same privileges and rights as American citizens? THEY ARE NOT CITIZENS, THEREFORE THEY DO NOT DESERVE THE SAME PRIVILEGES.
          Another thing that urked me about the discussion was how people were talking about sending illegal immigrants into the military. That is absurd. Why would you want people that are not legal to serve? We would wind up paying more for them to have a healthy pay check each week, and paying them TAX FREE when and if they deploy. They don't even pay taxes now, and they still recieve benefits of being a citizen.
          There is no question that there needs to be a quicker right to citizenship. We need immigration reform. But we also need immigration INFORM. Get informed people!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Do they really believe soldiers kill for sport?

Five soldiers were charged with killing Afghan civilians for fun were released from Army custody on Friday and placed on electronic monitoring while he waits for his court date.
The army Spc.will be assigned to a different unit at Base Lewis-McChord south of Seattle, but it is unclear what his duties will be.
He has been in custody for about 11 months, after investigators said that he had joined the others in conspiring to kill three Afghan civilians in Kandahar province last year.

Do you think our taxes are fair?

For all the complaining this time of year, most Americans actually think the taxes they pay are fair. Fewer people expect refunds this year than in previous years. But as Monday's filing deadline approaches, the poll shows that 54 percent believe their tax bills are either somewhat fair or very fair, compared with 46 percent who say they are unfair.

I think this is a load of crap. What ever happened to everyman for himself? We need to cut the wasteful costs that our government spends eachday, and stop taxing more and more each year.

So, we aren't the only ones with boarder issues...

Thai and Cambodian troops fought Saturday on their disputed border, a day after four Thai and three Cambodian soldiers were killed in the worst bloodshed since the United Nations called for a ceasefire in February.Thousands of villagers have been evacuated from the jungle around the Ta Moan and Ta Krabei temples, about one hundred miles west of the 900-year-old temple, which saw violent fights in February, due to boarder contorversy. Here they use guns, and weapons, and place their military on the lines of their nation. What are we doing? We put up a fence and said "I dare you to try, you make it, you win".


So here's a question for you, America. If I was illegal where would I hide?
Oh, I know! In a black and blue uniform, and maybe I could even get to drive a car with sirens, too!
An Anchorage police officer accused of being an illegal immigrant using a fake identity has been arrested and charged with passport fraud, federal prosecutors said on Friday. The Anchorage Police Department patrolman known as Rafael Espinoza is in truth a Mexican citizen named Rafael Mora-Lopez, said Karen Loeffler, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Alaska.

Mosque in Michigan?

A pastor was barred for protesting outside the largest mosque in the United States on Friday after a Michigan jury found his appearance was likely to provoke violence.
Terry Jones, was briefly jailed after refusing to pay a $1 bond as ordered by the Judge, who also barred him from visiting the mosque for three years.
I think it's kind of crazy how they punished Terry Jones. Not visiting the mosque? Obviously he didn't care about it in the first place!;_ylt=AmXbjBpkGUxxBKw9USQCZbZvzwcF;_ylu=X3oDMTJpdThwNWQyBGFzc2V0A25tLzIwMTEwNDIzL3VzX3Byb3Rlc3RfbW9zcXVlBGNwb3MDMQRwb3MDMwRzZWMDeW5fdG9wX3N0b3J5BHNsawNmdWxsbmJzcHN0b3I-

Friday, April 15, 2011

Members of Al Qaeda Kill Italian

Hamas found the body on Friday of a pro-Palestinian Italian activist who was killed by al Qaeda in the Gaza Strip, raising questions about the Islamist group's control over the cult.Two men were arrested and others were being sought for the abduction and killing of Vittorio Arrigoni, 36, who was found strangled in an abandoned house on Friday, Hamas officials said.A Jihadist Salafi group in Gaza aligned with al Qaeda had threatened on Thursday to execute Arrigoni unless their leader, detained by Hamas last month, was freed.

This is the kind of "situation" American Itallians should focus their attention on. How are immigrants of other countries being treated? This especially goes to show how immigration is a towering issue in other countires as well as our homeland.

Mother Withheld Cancer Medicine ?!?

A mother was sentenced to up to 10 years in state prison on Friday for withholding chemotherapy drugs that potentially could have saved her autistic son's life.
Kristen LaBrie, expressed remorse for her actions.
"I wish I could have done things differently," she said.

As a healthcare worker, and a pediatric oncology (children's cancer) aspiring nurse, I can not understand how somebody can hold a child's medicine, as it could have saved his yound life. Especially a  M O T H E R.

It especially discusts me because this is the kind of thing that makes you wonder to what extent should a child of "abuse" be allowed to stay in the lives of a child in danger.

Georgia Lawmakers Pass Immigration Law

The legislation would give police authority to question suspects about their immigration status. It would also require many private employers to check the immigration status of newly hired workers on a federal database called E-Verify. After the debate, both the state Senate and House of Representatives passed the law on illegal immigration in the final hours of their 40-day session.Georgia Governor has not said whether he would sign it.He supported E-Verify as a member of the U.S. Congress, said Phil Kent, spokesman for the Virginia-based nonprofit Americans for Immigration Control.

Forever Blue & Forever 42- Tribute To Jackie Robinson!

Forever Blue...Forever 42
Today everyteam in Major Leauge Baseball will commemorate the Legacy of Jackie Robinson. The first great African-American MLB player, who was so courageous to break the "color" barrier.
Robinson played for the Brooklyn Dodgers, and excelled at second base, first base, and ocassionally caught balls from the outfield of Ebbets field.

Illegal Immigration- My Opinion

There is a lot of speculation that revolves around illegal immigration services in the United States.
What do we do with the existing immigrants? How can we grant all of them citizenship? It is my personal belief that all immigrants should be able to become a citizen rightfully. The thing that urks me the most is that they are here getting away with way too much. They recieve government option aid, and they don't pay taxes. They also recieve a free public education and the opportunity of employment. There are United States citizens that don't recieve these benefits, and I feel like our Nation is just giving it away. Everybody reserves the right to become a United States citizen. But however they need to do it the right way.

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Real Hall Of Famer


As the 2011 MLB season gets underway I wanted to use this opportunity to give credit to the man who deserves it. Los Angeles Dodger announcer Vin Scully. He has been with the Dodgers since their Red Barber, Brooklyn days. 

Dodger fans win...even in post game fights

At Dodger Stadium's home opener to the 2011 season, a San Fransisco Giant's fan was critically wounded in the parking lot after passion for one's team was taken too far. The victim suffered with severe head trauma as the suspect took off in a mini van with a child in the back seat. There was a $50,000 reward being offered for the information leading to the arrest of the suspect, which has currently been increased to $100,000 by the Los Angeles Police Department.

So the question I pose to you, as the DIE HARD DODGER FAN that I am. How much is too far? I mean, what was the guy doing anyways? If he was talking about James Loney that's one thing, but this time was it Vin Scully?

Government Shuts Down Temporarily

A compromise is what is most needed at this time in Washington. Will the government shut down? Will government workers still be paid on time (the fifteenth of April). Obama expected a final answer Friday morning on whether a government shutdown would happen.
I think that if the government would shut down for two days out of each week for the remainder of 2011, the economy would be greatly lifted. They could have a chance to advance the econimic debt and still have an opportunity to compete with the global scale, as two days off is not nearly too much to ask.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

3/5 Nears end of Deployment in Sangin :D

The marines of third batallion fifth marines, left way back in September of 2010. Seven months later they are nearing their return. When they arrived they faced the deadliest month since the war began in 2001. Losing 9 Marines in 14 days, the men and woman persevered. They have been waiting to return and now the time is here. Four companies, hundreds of marines. Their families have been waiting months, and they couldn't be more excited.

US Jet Crashes in Libya

As  the fighting in Libya rages, the third day of the allies air campaign took place.
An American fighter jet glided from the sky and crashed into the third valley of the Libyan east coast.The crash was the first major loss for the U.S. and European military air campaign, which over three nights appears to have hobbled Gadhafi's air defenses and artillery and rescued the rebels from impending defeat.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Radiation in Japan

Many importing contries of Japanese goods are begining to show their concerns. Researchers covering the radiation in Japan have already confirmed that the deadly breeze has already spread into the food supply, as well as the fish in the neighboring waters.

"It's safe to suppose that some contaminated produce got out of the contamination zone."-Japanese Prime Minister

"This is a growing concern for those of us in California who crave sushi"- Glenn Beck

Obama Supports Pro-Democracy in Egypt

Here is a link to an article that discusses President Obama's foreign policy that has been changed. Surprise, this article shows evidence on how our lovely President himself has promoted pro-democracy forces in Eypt, but that he has not done the same for the other revolution seeking countries, such as Libya or Yemen.

Freedon For All ?

Allies provide air strikes in Libya

Allies including the US, Great Brittain, and France officials said missile and aircraft strikes restricted  Qaddafi’s air force and \debated how far they can take military action against his regime. They also gained as protesters were killed by government forces in Syria and Yemen, indicating regional unrest is spreading.

This is leading many to grow worrysome. Will the United States be deploying our military units to Libya, in order to control the radical outbursts that are taking place, or will we be forced to nonetheless?

Many are also blaming the sudden increase in the price of gasoline the US, on the events that are taking place in Libya. Some say that if the revolution continues, that by summertime the price of gas would increase to nine dollars a gallon.

Here is a link to an article that discusses this matter

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Family Reunion After Japanese Tsunami

There's not much good news in the wake of last week's devastating 9.0 earthquake in Japan. So far, the disaster may have left as many as 10,000 dead and half a million homeless, as well as sparking a nuclear crisis that is still unfolding. But amid the tragedy, some tsunami and earthquake victims have--against the odds--reunited with their loved ones and shared their incredible tales of survival.
Akiko Kosaka, who was studying English in California, had all but given up hope of hearing that her family had survived in the coastal village of Minami Sanriku. Nearly half the town's inhabitants are missing or feared dead.

How cute!

Japan's Nuclear Meltdown

Plant workers at Fukushima Daiichi are struggling to cool the three reactors and the fuel held in pools for spent fuel also held on site. Because of explosions caused by the build-up of hydrogen, it is believed that two of the containment structures that hold the reactors have been breached, greatly increasing risk of a release of large amount or radioactive material.
Although it's still an unstable situation, it's clear the damage at the Fukushima Daiichi plant is worse than the Three Mile Island accident in 1979 and will be studied for years to come. Based on comments from experts and published reports, this FAQ attempts to shed some light on the current situation, with an emphasis on understanding the health implications from radiation.
What is the latest on the attempts to cool the reactors?
Plant workers are using the improvised technique of pumping seawater with added boron (which slows down nuclear fission) into the reactors at Fukushima Daiichi. As of Thursday in Japan, officials said that a hydrogen explosion has occurred in a second building which contains the hot nuclear reactor core. The containment vessel, in which the reactor is held, may have been breached at both the number two and number three reactors, according to a New York Times report today. The explosions that have occurred are likely hydrogen explosions when hydrogen from the water mixes with the metal cladding over the uranium rods.

Read more:

tenure in California

In California, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger pushed the legislature to remove a firewall prohibiting the use of student test scores in evaluating teachers back in October. The new set of reforms that the legislature was expected to approve Tuesday was even more controversial, and includes an open-enrollment measure that would allow students in the lowest-performing schools to apply to other schools anywhere in the state, including in their own district.

It would also give a “parent trigger” provision, in which 50 percent of the parents in a low-performing school could force districts to adopt major reform plans, including closing the school, firing the principal and up to half the teachers, or turning it into a charter.
“This is a groundbreaking and historic new policy,” says Ben Austin, executive director of Parent Revolution, the Los Angeles group that pushed for the measure, which has been vehemently opposed by teacher unions. “We think this is a 21st century roadmap to transform public education in
America … around what’s good for kids, and not for grownups.”

Friday, March 11, 2011

Wisconsin Union Curbs & My Opinion

Wisconsin's governor signed into law on limits on collective bargaining rights for the public sector workers that have ignited a national debate over unions.
I think that it will be a good thing, to limit the collective bargaining rights, because then it wont be such a monetarily based drive for a reform in education. I also think that unions interfere too much with the goals of education, and that they need to just chill out a little bit. Too many caps are put, which make it near impossible to implement change.

Photos evolve of Hitler's wife

Ever since I knew who Hitler was, I have seen the images of him, the ones that poke fun of his moustache. But never until this day have I seen images of his wife, I didn't ever notice either. Didn't have a guess of what she could look like. Here is a link to her pictures, and actually....Adolf did well!

Gifford's Improvement

Giffords has been told that she was shot. Her ability to walk and talk is improving. And there's "a good chance" she'll be able to attend her husband's space shuttle launch next month.

From a medical standpoint, it's just amazing for me to see such a speedy recover. Most people don't survive gun shots, let alone gun shots to that location of the brain.

As a CNA, who works in a convalesent skilled nursing facility, I have so many paatients that have the same affects that the bullet prokoked, and it takes these people years to improve their walking, and speech. Some of my patients are unable to complete their activities of daily living, and this congresswoman has been able to improve so quickly, which is amazing.

Ronald Raegan, the GREAT tapes revealed

A Secret Service audiotape 30 years old sheds light on the chaotic aftermath of Ronald Reagan's shooting when neither the president nor his guardians realized he'd been shot, and an agent's snap decision to get him to a hospital might have saved his life.

I chose to publish this article to my blog, because I have always admired Raegan as a President, and a republican icon. I think that he was the first President who really set a precident.

Earthquake hits Japan; Obama says USA will aid

A tsunami unleashed by Japan's biggest recorded earthquake slammed into its east coast Friday, killing hundreds of people as it carried away ships, cars and homes, and made fires that burned out of control.
Hours later, the tsunami hit Hawaii but did not cause major damage. Warnings across the Pacific, putting areas on alert as far away as South America, Canada, Alaska and the entire U.S. West coast. Japan, the area around a nuclear power plant was evacuated after the reactor's cooling system failed.

Friday, March 4, 2011

bringing preschool to the slums

The slums of Argentina began to allow children between the ages of three and five into pre[grade]school programs.

My question that this article has raised was this; if we all began school between the ages of three and five, then would this allow children to value education more? Could this improve students learning abilities, as studies show that children obtain information like sponges at a younger age.

18 year old football star stabs his baby boy- SHOCKING

This article truely urks me. As I reviewed it, I recognized that the Los Angeles police department had so many apple opportunities to prevent this from happening. He was only allowed monitored visitation, so there needs to be larger obstacles for him to have access to the knowledge of the baby's whereabouts. Maybe he shouldn't have had contact with the baby's mother. Another thing I noticed was when the article said that the officers "It wasn’t until four hours later that police traced Glass’s car and sounded the alarm after he refused to pull over." ? 4 Hours? That baby's life was in hanging for four hours, and nothing was done? This was also written in the article "Investigators said that officers saw Glass’s arm going up and down over the passengers seat where the baby was sitting.". To me this implied that they just sat and watched this happen. It was THEN at THAT time that the boy's father needed to be apprehended and controlled, harmfully in fact.

Shelter Dog Cheats Death!


Miracle dog Buddy cheated death three times after he twice fell down a 100ft cliff and then swam nearly a mile to the safety of a yacht.
The cocker spaniel's first lucky escape happened as he chased a rabbit over the cliff edge, tumbled down the steep rock face and landed in the sea.
Unhurt by the fall, he tried to make his way back up the cliff to shocked owner Steve Kingsley only to plunge 30ft back into the water.

Obama Tackles Education Reform

The U.S. education system needs to undergo dramatic reform, President Obama said today -- with new investments but also with new policies.
"You can't defend a status quo in which a third of our kids are dropping out," the president said this morning during a live interview on NBC's "Today Show." "You can't defend a status quo when you've got 2,000 schools across the coutry that are drop out factories."
The Obama administration has introduced a sweeping set of education reforms -- some of which have met some resistance -- such as the $4 billion "Race to the Top" initiative. The program offers educational grants to states that meet certain reform criteria. The president today called it "probably the most powerful tool we've seen for reform in a couple of decades."
While $4 billion is a relatively small figure to spend on education, Mr. Obama said it's "enough to get people's attention."
Furthermore, he said, money alone is not the solution to education reform.
"Money without reform does not fix the problem," he said.
The president said he expects "Race to the Top" to continue to meet resistance from politicians whose states may not be getting aid immediately. He also acknowledged that other players, such as teachers unions, can act as barriers to reform. Yet he said that many unions are cooperating with states to improve their education plans.
"I'm a strong supporter of the notion a union can protect its members and be a part of the solution instead of the problem," he said.
Part of the administration's educational reforms also include plans to close the poorest performing 5 percent of schools in the nation, turning some of them into charter schools.
"There's no silver bullets here," the president said. However, he said, "There are some charters that have figured out how to do a very good job. What we've got to do is look at the success of these schools and find out how do we duplicate them... What I'm interested in ... is fostering these laboriteies of excellence."
But while he said the education system needs to be revamped, Mr. Obama added properly investing in education still plays an important role.

No Child Left Behind

Here is a link to a governmental website that holds access to a copy of the entire bill, in a web format.
I read parts of it and reviewed the main points. It was easy to operate navigating through this web page and it was pretty interesting.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Response to "DREAM ACT"- wiki article posted below

I think that the DREAM act is way too expensive for our current economy. It sounds like an awesome idea, and it is an awesome idea, but we can't be giving away valuble money that WE DON'T HAVE. It is at this exact time that we need to stop spending money that us, as a nation we do not have.

It is now, more than ever before that we need to be more self sufficient citizens, and stop expecting the government to just give give give.

The well has oficially run dry.

The DREAM Act & Education reform

Illegal immigrant minors can only obtain permanent residency status through their parents. Aside from special provisions for unaccompanied minors[6] there is no independent method for them to accomplish this. Normally, a child brought into the country without an immigration visa would have to first leave the U.S. to apply for a visa, although returning to his or her country of birth would not guarantee a path to a visa. Attempts to return legally are often difficult, with road-blocks such as three-year to ten-year bans on reentering the U.S.[7]
Members of Congress have introduced several forms of this bill in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. Members in the House passed one such bill on December 8, 2010 by a vote of 216-198;[8] Senators debated a version of the DREAM Act on September 21, 2010. A previous version of the bill, S.2205, which required 60 votes to gain cloture, failed on a 52-44 vote in 2007, 8 votes short of overcoming a filibuster by senators opposed to the bill.[9]
The United States military faced challenges in enlistment, which in 2005 were described as a "crisis",[10] though the economic downturn of 2007-2010 did away with many of the enlistment challenges. Immigrants who do not have a "green card" are not allowed to enlist. In 2007, several senior officials at the Department of Defense have spoken in favor of promising legal status to members of the military as a means of boosting recruitment.[11]

Together Everyone Accomplishes More

Washington Post response to fallen 3/5 Marines

"Home of the free, because of the brave"


I am a firm believer that work ethic starts in the home.
When I was little, even in first grade, my parents reviewed my
homework, and made sure that everything that needed
to be done was done. I couldn't go play until my room was
cleaned, and most definately not until my homework was done.

Those are values I have carried with me throughout
my school years, and as I come upon gradutation
it really makes me thankful that my parents
inflicted their values on me at such a young age.

More families need to really pay attention to  those kinds of things!

Carpe Diem

Today I left government class extremely inspired.
I really felt through the lecture, that life is what you make it, if I need to
have a better day, then it's up to me to make it that.
Make it a good day!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


The Connection to My World Cloud- SOTU Project

1. Contradictions- During the SOTU, I felt like the President contradicted himself. There are things that neeed to be done and we don't have the means as a nation to do those things.

2. Confusing- Half the time he was speaking, I grew confused because what he said just didn't make any sense to me.

3. How?- How is he going to go back and fix the things he is breaking?

4. Why? Why is he going to constantly try and change things that don't need changing.

5. Stupidity- In my mind, the president is crazy. He's stupid, and he talks out of the speeches that other people prepare for him.

6. Annoying- I grew annoyed when he began talking about Health Care Reform because I don't want it to happen.

7. Tie- Is there a reason the president only wears a red tie or a blue tie?

8. Conservative- What is Obama going to do for the conservatives like me?

9. Becoming- I  couldn't help but wonder what will become of this nation under this administration.

10. Everlasting- Some of the things he talked about are going to affect people's lives through the presitence he sets.

11. Trouble- Our nation is in deep trouble, and in more than some realize.

12. Worsening- We weren't in a good place already, but now were going downhill fast, and something needs to be done.

13. Deficit- The defecit will atleast double throughout this term.
14. Afghanistan- What is Obama going to do about Afghanistan, when or will he even bring our troops home soon?
15. Support- We are going to need the support of the Chinese monetarily for longer than we know.

16.  Misunderstanding- I wonder if it was me, or if everyone misunderstands the way Obama plans to lead that "Change" he speaks about.

17. Twangy- He speaks with such a twang during his speech, its almost phony.
18. Understanding- He doesn't do a good enough job to show us people why he wants to go through these plans.


20. Healthcare- His plans for a reformation are going to fail, because people don't want it.
21. Uniting- He is dividing the nation through his beliefs.

22. Republican- He isn't doing anything for the Republican party. The president is someone who is supposed to unite us, and please all people.
23. Libriterian- He is such a liberal, it's written all over his face.

24. Universal- He has so many universal ideas and they are not going to work.

25. Socialist- His socialist ideas are going to kill the Constitutional ideas that we have lived by for ages.

26. Communism- He is startting to sound like a communist, and I want to turn off the TV.
27. FREEDOM- Our natural freedoms are being impaired, gun control.
28. Military- He is increasing military salaries. I guess I am getting a "tax return".

29. Costs- Everything he is talking about doing and creating involves spending money, that we don't have.
30. Spending- We are going to double the defecit with all the things he is talking about doing.

31. Debt- We need to get out of this debt first.

32. Raising- There needs to be another way of raising money, without raising taxes.

33. Impatience-  By the second half of the speech I started to think "Stop planning, and start D O I N G.

34. Irritation- It is irritating to listen to half the things he was saying.

35. Imprisonment- I feel like I don't have a choice in what he wants to do, I am only one vote.

36. Rediculous- What the heck does salmon have to do with anything? This is no time for jokes.

37. Broke- We are so broke. Everything costs money, that we don't have.
38. Help- Who are we going to turn to to help us out? What nations are willing to invest in our economy?

39. Impeachment- How can I impeach Obama?

40. Who- Who in the Obama administration is trustworthy enough to stick up for the people that don't have a voice?

41.Success- We need a successful president before we can be a successful nation.

42. Spending- We can not afford to spend anymore money, we are in need of some major fundraising.

43. Progressivism- We need to make progress, but not with new ideas. Use the unalienable rights that are written in the constitution.

44. Trying - I can tell he is really trying to be progressive, but the ways in which he wants to do things, are near impossible.

45. Doing- Stop saying what needs to be done president, and start finding ways to do them.

46. Voices- I feel like he is speaking on behalf of the people who voted for him. But he isn't doing something for everyone, which is what he is supposed to be doing.

47. Silencing- He needs to be silenced, and kicked out of the oval office.

48. New- We need a new administration, in order to progress, and get out of this deficit.

49. 2nd Ammendment- One thing I wish he addressed, was how he is going to do something to protect the
2nd ammendment.

50. Need- We need something new. We are in a bit of a pickle, and something needs to be done. We need action now, before it gets too far.

*Link to my image..which turned out really nice! (:

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

3/5 Darkhorse "Get Some" cont'd.

I chose to discuss this article because its based on a topic that really hits home for me, and a lot of people that are closest to me. It talks about how the Marines of 3/5 are persevering in their fight on terror in northern Afghanistan. I have found that many people that I see everyday are so clueless as to the events that are taking place overseas, and neglect to recognize the ultimate sacrifice that so many of our soldiers have given. It was nice to read this article and be able to see the appreciation that citizens in Afghanistan have for the job that the troops are getting accomplished. It was refreshing and I want to be able to spread the word on to the class as well.

Monday, January 31, 2011

A Darkhorse THANK YOU

To everybody who participated in the "WRITE A LETTER TO A MARINE" event that was hosted by Kimberley Altergott, wifey of 3/5 India Company Sargeant Frank Denault.
Another shout out to everyone who came forward and donated food and home care items to the boys of Weapons company.
The guys will be VERY greatful to know that their last care packages are as filled as their first!


It's because 3rd Batallion 5th Marines are over in Afghanistan right now, serving our nation that they unfortunately missed out on the annual USMC ball. However, because they deserve it, the United States Marine Corps have arranged a "Make Up" Ball.

The ball is to take place June 11,2011 at Ceasar's Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada!
Special room rates have been arranged for the batallion and rooms are blocked off.
Don't make plans ladies, our boys are coming home!!

Who knew solar energy costed so many lives. When going green shouldn't matter:

The country of Afghanistan, is nothingless than a sand box. Most of the shacks in this piece of "land" don't even have running water. But our wonderful commander in chief wants to risk the lives of our troops so we can bring them solar pannel energy. As much as I support our troops, and my brave Marine, this is rediculous. It's just coincidence that it would be my Marine's batallion who has to undergo this mission. Im just glad he's a mortarmen. One of the pieces of the Batallion, where the Combat team (CAAT 1/2) is handling there part of the job, while the others do their's.
Google it.

Something to recognize

Something to look at. This post is for those of you who stick your head in the sand. This is real and happening now. Google it.


Response To Health Care Discussion

As we discussed the issue of Health Care reform in our Government class, I realized that the senior class isn't as clueless as I thought. I view the issue through the eyes of  Conservative Republican, and also through the mind of a health care worker myself. I found it interesting when we talked about the reform being "Job Killing". That was an idea that I haven't heard before, and it brought into the light what effect it would have on our economy and employment deficit. I was pleased to see that the students in class recognized the bad that the bill had to offer. Many of my peers i've noticed, tend to opinionize without recognizing all the facts, and how it can effect themselves on a personal level, however that wasn' the case in our discussion. I was glad that the class was able to obtain a strong divide, because it showed that what we were talking about wasn't going to go "in one ear and out the other". I was also pleased that the class took into consideration what I said about how it would be negative. Throughout the discussion, whether I had to listen to what I feel like is nonsense or not, It was an eduating discussion that I was able to learn from, as well as be able to share my opinion.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

I got confused for a second!

"I asked my husband if Jesus gave someone a "wet willy". I wasn't quite sure what that was, and suddenly remembered when he spit in the mud and wiped it on that guys face."
-Sara Chevallier Andersen

Life Happens

Sometimes life Happens. When you least expect it. Life doesn't care what kind of challenging things it throws at you. The best thing you can do is deal with it. And know that the people who stick by you are the people that are going to be there forever. Those are the people that matters.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Suport Red Fridays!

Wear red on Fridays, not because it's the color of your "senior shirt". Because wearing red on Fridays is intended to honor the Men and Women of 3/5 Marines who have given the ultimate sacrifice!

Really Makes me sick to hear things like this!

Hey, so I am really mad right now.... I just heard from one of Cameron's Friends that a Marine who is only in MCT right now was talking crap about our men in 3/5... He said that, the Marine said "I wish I was over there because I could do a better job than they are doing." He was referring to how many men we have lost. First of all who is he to talk about "HIS" brothers who are sacrificing their lives for him and our country when he just graduated bootcamp. I am sorry but it made me want to cry that his own Brothers feel and act like that.

When I needed a Laugh

Two Radical Arab Terrorists boarded a flight out of London . One took a
window seat and the other sat next to him in the middle seat... Just before
takeoff, a U.S. Marine sat down in the aisle seat. After takeoff, the Marine
kicked his shoes off, wiggled his toes and was settling in when the Arab in
the window seat said, 'I need to get up and get a coke.' 'Don't get up,'
said the Marine, 'I'm in the aisle seat, 'I'll get it for you.'
As soon as he left, one of the Arabs picked up the Marines shoe and spat in
it. When the Marine returned with the coke, the other Arab said, 'That looks
good, I'd really like one, too.' Again, the Marine obligingly went to fetch
it. While he was gone the other Arab picked up the Marines other shoe and
spat in it. When the Marine returned, they all sat back and enjoyed the
As the plane was landing, the Marine slipped his feet into his shoes and
knew immediately what had happened. He leaned over and asked his Arab
neighbors... 'Why does it have to be this way?' 'How long must this go on;
this fighting between our nations, this hatred, this animosity, this
spitting in shoes and pissing in cokes?

3rd Batallion 5th Marines Weapons Company

Here's a great link to use for keeping in touch with the families of the 3/5 Marines!!/home.php?sk=group_177039242320345

Security Increses for Afghans near FOB Jackson


SANGIN, Afghanistan – Afghan National Police officers and Marines from the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment’s police mentor team, patrol the area surrounding forward operating base Jackson daily to provide security for the people of Sangin.

Much like the rest of Afghanistan, security is essential to every portion of Sangin’s progression. The change that has been noticed within the bazaar near FOB Jackson is a sign of the progress made by the security forces.

“When we first got here there was only about 100 meters of shops in the bazaar now there is about one or two kilometers of shops,” said Cpl. Mason Stevens, a team leader for the police advisory team with 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment. “A lot of the shop owners are getting more produce in and the security has improved with the ANP patrolling on their own out at the check points.”

Training the police on the proper techniques and the best ways to police the local populace is one of the major goals of the PMT. Helping them become better police officers not only changes the face of the security effort in the region but allows for more security efforts to be implemented because the increased competency of the Afghan security forces.

“It’s showing the Afghan people that the Afghan police are trying and are working the bazaar trying to keep it secure and trying to make Sangin a peaceful place again,” said Stevens.

Discipline, an integral part of any organization, is one of the most difficult things to teach the police officers. While the desire to protect their people and their community exists, the efforts of coalition forces to train them is essential to their success. Members of the PMT rely on the non-commissioned officers to get this message across.

“Teaching them self discipline is really hard,” said Stevens, 22, from Murietta, Calif. “A lot of them do show improvements in their discipline, it’s just the NCOs for the ANP that have to get on the other ANP to get the job done and its been happening.”

The determination of the members of the PMT and the Afghan police officers in the area has set the foundation for a bright future in Sangin.

“Everybody should do their part to bring security to Afghanistan,” said Sgt. Fazilrahman, 19, a police officer in Sangin, from Samangan province. “We hope that we can bring peace here and give the people things like schools and hospitals to make their lives better.”

More Than 1/2 way home!

"More Than 1/2 way home!" is a project that will be taking its place at the 3/5 Post of Command on February 12th! Families of the Darkhorse Marines are more than welcome to attend and childcare will be provided. Please join us as we celebrate the support of the 3/5 Marines!

Family Readiness Officer Message

the return of your Darkhorse Marine is to come!
much like when the boys left back in september, they will return by company!  One at a time and close together!
The return dates will be approximated in mid March and will be sent to you by the family readiness officer!
I will pass them along as the information is handed down to me!

What the boys of 3/5 need :

I talked to Cameron Monday night! WOOOO! He actually got to talk to his mom as well, which was a treat! Anyways, the boys are coming home in 68 days and Cameron has informed me of a list of things that they need! The deadline to send anything is February 17th so lets jam on this and get them out as fast as we can!!
*Socks (all white)
*Canned food (not vegitables)
*Kool- Aid powder
*Energy drinks, or Gatorade
*Chips, cookies, crackers
*Waterless shampoo
*Lotion (the air in Afghanistan sucks)
*Cigarrettes & Dip (it's gold for trading for what they really need)
*Junk food

3/5 Darkhorse "Get Some"

Got a phone call from my love, our hero on Monday night! He always calls when i need to hear from him the most! Everybody needs somebody, sometime.  To pass along information he just says that he personally finally recieved his Christmas packages since he's been on a mission. He was "chillin" this week, he didnt have post, and no mortar orders that he mentioned(:
It was an awesome 25 minute phone call.
68 Days until homecoming! And if you are in love with a Marine, you know that homecoming is much much more than just a football game!

3/5 Marines Weapons Company Volunteer Oppertunity

Come join us on february 5th, 9am at the 3/5 command post building #62329 where we will be packing and shipping the first round of t shirt sales! if you are interested reply to this post (:

Save the Date!

June is the date for the 3rd Batallion 5th Marines Homecoming ball in Vegas! Due to combat deployment they all missed the annual United States Marine Corps Birthday Ball in November so they are having a homecoming ball, provided in part by the 3/5 Company Readiness Department.
Keep your June calenders available, there might be a couple weddings taking place that night (;

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The perfect day.

Playing wii fit with my daddy <3

Deployment Sucks

No phone call in two weeks, which lasted 10 minutes.
No letter in a month and a half.
...God bless my boyfriend or being so brave, but deployment sucks.

Cheyanne Casey, CNA


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Meeting An Angel

So lately i've been given a lot of oppertunities which means I have been faced with a lot of decisions to make lately. With my nursing school being in Orange County, i've been offered a place to rent by myself, offered a CNA job at an amazing hospital. It all qorks out perfectly for me. Not to mention it's something i've been wanting to do for a while now and finally I have the means to do it. But as with anyone else i'm afraid to step out of my comfort zone. That was until today, as I finished my last day of hospital training I met an angel. He sits alone daily. Very nice gentlemen, and being the good CNA that I have become, I went to chat with him. He made it home from Vietnam. Died three times on the operating room table. Lived his life to the fullest. Did everything he wanted to do, not giving a damn about what anyone thought, including his family, wife, and children. And as we sat and talked a while about his life, he cried. And what he said I wont ever forget as I continue on through my nursing career. There were three people he will never forget. His commanding Officer, his Wife, and the nurse that sat next to him for three days and coded him for three days, and saved his life countless times. And then he said to me "All that hell and this is how i'm gonna die? Pneumonia?". Anyhow I learned more than how to oxygenate a patient from him. I learned that I am going to be that nurse, and I learned to make decisions based on what is going to be best for me.

Cameron's Batallion